Monday, April 23, 2012

Crowdsourcing PART 1

My Amazing Butt Project

This is Sarah G's site and i decided to participate because I thought it was a great idea and thought it would be pretty cool to add my butt to her website! I liked how each butt has it's own caption and kind of a story behind it. On mine, i realized that i always have something in my back pockets. It's rare to ever see my butt! So i decided to take a picture of my butt with it's normal necessities in the pockets!

Young Me/Now Me project

This site is an interactive site that allows   people from around the globe to send in a picture of themselves young and the same picture of them but older! It's a creative site. What i did was i found a picture of my cousin and i back in elementary school, possibly 1998. We were outside of school with our little backpacks cute as hell. So since both of us now go to UNR, i decided to reenact that picture with us outside of the school with our backpacks cute as hell. Yes, she got taller than me. Dang. I sent in the picture and waiting for it to be uploaded!




This website is where people can send in anonymous secrets on postcards and shown off to the world. This has been around for years now, and there are even books with hundreds of postcards in it. I have always wanted to send one in to this site and now I'm happy to say that I did. I didn't want to show my secret to anyone because its suppose to be anonymous... so you dont get t see it.

1 comment:

  1. that little kid picture is adorable haha. That's a good renactment.
